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Tesla Lacks The Platform To Justify Its Market Valuation
Marina Planas initiated a discussion by sharing a video clip from CNBC International TV, posing a question to the community: "Is Tesla, today, based on a platform business model?". Become a NTWKer to join the discussion.
Key Metaverse Tech Adoption by Vertical
Our new community member, Luca Lupattelli, shared an interesting chart from Gartner discussing the relationship between key Metaverse technologies vs industries: "Slowly moving toward an integrated ecosystem which brings value to verticals. Interoperability is a must! Looking forward to see new business models being built... "

How Do Platforms Make Money?

Anna Noakes Schulze shared an excellent summary of four main revenue models posted by Randevu Co-Founder Filip S. Perišić:
"How do marketplaces make money? No, it's not only taking the % a.k.a. take rate.
Last month, 🎯 Nikola Smiljanić and myself spoke at #PlatformMacherTage23 about marketplace revenue models. We grouped the models into 4 clusters
- 🔁 Transaction related
- 📜 Listing related
- 🧑 👩 🏢 Participant related
- 💪 Usage based
And the best model depends on the marketplace and the industry itself. "
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