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  • Writer's pictureMatthias Walter

Platform Innovation Kit 5.0 available for download


Want to launch and scale a platform business with strong network effects?

Check out our latest release - create a better tomorrow - of the Platform Innovation Kit incl. new tools to scale a platform and sustainability. This makes the PIK 5.0 the only end-to-end toolset for exploration, validation, launch and scale.

New features of the toolset:

  • Optimized for B2C & B2B platform businesses

  • >25 canvases

  • Starts with an holistic ecosystem strategy

  • Step-by-step framework for Launch & Scale

  • Sustainability by design

  • Based on the experience of over 250 platform venture projects

  • Supported by a global ambassador community

As we want to ensure that every platform business becomes a sustainable business with positive impact to our society and environment (for People, Planet, Profit), we continue to publish the toolset under creative commons license for free.

More information about the toolset and the free download you can find here:

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