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Here's a very interesting free event offered by Launchworks & Co:

"We have a fantastic line-up of speakers from Delivery Hero, Google, TikTok, as well as leading academics, researchers and key policy makers. They will talk about some of the hottest topics of our times including platform economic impact, regulation and talent.

It's a webinar, so there's no need to turn on your camera. Just join and listen to the debate. Of course you'll have the opportunity to ask questions to the speakers before and during the event."

Anna Noakes Schulze
Marina Planas
Matthias Walter

Save the date and join our release webinar!!!

Join my guests Prasad (Amazon AWS) and Nathalie (PIK Ambassador France).

Introducing PIK 5.0 - "creating a better tomorrow" release

In the last 2 years we continued to improve the PIK based on our work with corporates and startups worldwide. The result is a complete revision incl. new tools and an improved step-by-step process to make it even more easier for you to build better platforms.

The improvements:

Anna Noakes Schulze
Marina Planas
Matthias Walter

We are very proud to that we could assemble a great lineup of platform CEOs and leaders from Europe for our upcoming "Entrepreneurial Platform Innovation" #masterclass.

In our 8-week program (2 sessions each week) you will not only learn how to launch and scale a #platform business, but you will also have the chance to gain insights and ask those great pioneers live.

This makes our masterclass a true hands-on experience and ideal for all platform teams and #venture builders out there.

Anna Noakes Schulze
Sabrina Guzmán

February's Best event?

  • Boundaryless

  • Platform Strategy Institute

  • Digitala Stambanan

  • Rainmaking

Simone Cicero
Anna Noakes Schulze
Sabrina Guzmán
joris claeys


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